All you have to do (apart from downloading and installing Scala distribution from is associate ".scala" file extension with some file type (e.g. I used "Scala.File") typing command
assoc .scala=Scala.FileAnd after that you have to specify command string for your new file type:
ftype Scala.File=^%SCALA_HOME^%\bin\scala.bat "%1" %*I assume you have set your environment variable SCALA_HOME pointing to your Scala installation folder. I used escaped form of variable dereferencing, because this way I can change my SCALA_HOME to any new location and this file association is still going to work (provided there is scala.bat file in bin subdirectory).
Now you can create some simple test script called hello.scala
println("hello world script")
args.foreach(println(_))And after executing it with "hello.scala a b c d" it should print:
hello world script
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